Creamy Maple Fondue
"Great for dipping fruit or pieces of pound cake."
Original is 4 servings
- Serving Size: 1 (190.7 g)
- Calories 400
- Total Fat - 29 g
- Saturated Fat - 18 g
- Cholesterol - 99 mg
- Sodium - 64.8 mg
- Total Carbohydrate - 33.1 g
- Dietary Fiber - 0 g
- Sugars - 26.9 g
- Protein - 4.1 g
- Calcium - 184.2 mg
- Iron - 0.1 mg
- Vitamin C - 1.2 mg
- Thiamin - 0.1 mg
Step by Step Method
Step 1
Gently heat pure maple syrup in a pan for 5 minutes.
Step 2
In a bowl, mix the cornstarch with 2 teaspoons of the cream.
Step 3
Bring the remaining cream to a boil and add the pure maple syrup.
Step 4
Blend the corn flour mixture into the syrup mixture.
Step 5
Heat gently, stirring continuously until thickened.
Step 6
Serve the fondue in a small pan over a spirit lamp with an assortment of fruit.
No special items needed.