President Jefferson Fried Potatoes
"The cooking method is the recipe given. It's a cross between French fries and Fried potatoes. The French were just cooking potatoes a lot at that time."
Original is 6 servings
- Serving Size: 1 (152.5 g)
- Calories 106.1
- Total Fat - 0.3 g
- Saturated Fat - 0.1 g
- Cholesterol - 0.4 mg
- Sodium - 417.5 mg
- Total Carbohydrate - 23.8 g
- Dietary Fiber - 3.6 g
- Sugars - 1.7 g
- Protein - 2.7 g
- Calcium - 13.9 mg
- Iron - 0.8 mg
- Vitamin C - 13.8 mg
- Thiamin - 0.1 mg
Step by Step Method
Step 1
Peel large potatoes and slice them about a quarter of an inch thick, or cut them in shavings round and round, as you would peal a lemon (for curly fries).
Step 2
Dry them well in a clean cloth, and fry them in lard or drippings (bacon grease).
Step 3
Take care that your fat and frying-pan are quite clean.
Step 4
Put it on a quick fire, watch it, and as soon as the lard boils and is still (really hot), put in the slices of potatoes, and keep moving them till they are crisp.
Step 5
Take them up and lay them to drain on a sieve, (place on paper towels).
Step 6
Serve them with very little salt sprinkled on them.
No special items needed.