20 Perfect Side Dishes Recipe Ideas
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Recipe: #2021
November 04, 2011
Categories: Side Dishes, Squash, Sunday Dinner, Oven Roast, Gluten-Free, High Fiber, No Eggs, Vegetarian, Kosher Dairy, Vegetarian Dinner, more
"A favorite way to prepare and enjoy squash!"
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F, then grease a baking sheet.
Peel the squash and cut in half lengthwise.
Using a spoon scrape out all the seeds.
Slice the squash into about 1-1/2-inch cubes (try to get all the cubes to the same size) place them into a medium bowl.
Add the melted butter, brown sugar, salt and pepper; using clean hands toss to coat.
Spread out in a single layer on the baking sheet.
Bake for 45 minutes to 55 minutes, until the squash is tender and the glaze begins to caramelize (turning the squash a few times during baking and season with more salt and pepper if needed).