Mashed Potato Pancakes

Mashed Potato Pancakes

Every potato pancake recipe I know of has one simple ingredient. Yup... potatoes. But mashed? You bet!!! Wouldn't life be simpler if we could take EVERY left over food thing and make it into a dish that seems like a first - not a leftover. Come to think of it, wouldn't all of life be better like that? I can think of at least three things. Friendships/relationships, things to do with money like careers, and of course places you have been or travel to. On second thought, let's stick with the food :) Definitely more messier (wink here). Speaking of messy. Them mashed

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Chicken Bordeaux

Chicken Bordeaux

Ok. I admit. there is nothing in the world quite like making the perfect meal. I mean nothing. Not even making the perfect meal. Is there such a thing? I admit. I am such a home cook. And as a home cook who just happens to be taking photos of the meals that I prepare and serve, I want everything to be perfect. From the prep, to the actual cooking, to the layout of the food for a photo or two, and then finally on the table for my family. The reward? This is THE BEST!!!! The best what? Do I ever hear those words? My five year old often says something like: Yuck. I am not eating that! I want

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Mexican Rice & Black Bean Casserole (With Chicken)

Mexican Rice & Black Bean Casserole (With Chicken)

Can I share a secret? It is a bit embarrassing, but with every good embarrassing secret, it makes for good reading. I suppose. Ok, here goes. A bit personal here. Being a part of running is lots of fun. And I get to dive into something else that I love. Being a food blogger on the blogging side of a recipe sharing site. But I must say, there is one really awful and hard thing about being a food blogger. Ok, here goes. Don't laugh. Serious stuff here. It's 3:00 in the afternoon. I am rummaging through, literally now, tens of thousands of recipes, trying to decide what recipe I

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Indian Butter Chicken

Indian Butter Chicken

I love Indian food. Most of all ~ Indian Butter Chicken. I will be honest though, this is one of those recipes where I've always shied away from making. I think it is because I have convinced myself that I will never be able to make it authentically like the way they do in the restaurants. And certainly not as tasty. Know what? I am happy to say that I was wrong. They only thing that kept me from tasting this AMAZING recipe is my own self doubt. Know what I mean? Having Indian Butter Chicken without naan bread is kind of like having grilled cheese without the cheddar. It doesn't work. And I

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Creamy Chicken Sweet Potato Noodles

Creamy Chicken Sweet Potato Noodles

If there is one thing that I would LOVE to say about this Creamy Chicken Sweet Potato Noodles recipe is that it is 100% healthy eating. It sure looks like it and the ingredients could call for more health but truth be told, I went a little bit heavy on two ingredients. Butter (and lots of it) and heavy cream. It gives this recipe a more rich and full flavor. Of course, the wine, mushrooms, garlic et all seriously helps too. I could use a little bit of that right about now. Creamy Chicken Sweet Potato Noodles I am single parenting this week. Well, ok, it is just for two nights. Tam

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