26 Low-Cal Recipes
Looking for Low calorie dinners and snacks to help you eat healthier? Here are 26...
Recipe: #22838
February 09, 2016
Categories: Turkey, Asian, Wok/Stir-Fry, Gluten-Free, Heart Healthy, High Protein, Low Calorie, Low Fat, No Eggs, Non-Dairy, Kosher Meat, more
"This is a tasty low-cal, low-fat recipe I really enjoy. It is quick and easy to put together so it is perfect for a busy weeknight meal."
Heat the peanut oil along with 1 teaspoon of the sesame oil in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat.
Add the ground turkey, cabbage, onion, garlic, ginger, salt and pepper and cook until turkey is no longer pink and cabbage just starts to stick to pan.
Stir in the remaining sesame oil and rice vinegar, taste and adjust seasoning.