15 Tasty Pasta Recipes
Bring out the true pasta lover in you! This tasty pasta recipes roundup showcases a...
Recipe: #5876
July 05, 2012
Categories: Ground Beef Hungarian, Potluck, Slow Cooker, Beef Dinner, Crockpot Soup, Ground Beef Dinner, more
"When I was a GS leader many years ago my troop created a cookbook from around the world, and this was one of the recipes from that grouping. However, I changed it to reflect our taste."
Brown ground beef in skillet.
Place browned beef in crock pot.
Add onion to skillet and saute until it is tender (about 5 minutes).
In a bowl mix Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, and vinegar, mustard and salt.
Add this mixture to meat with one cup of HOT water.
Stir and cover. Cook for 4 hours low.
Stir in brown sugar and cook for 1 hour on low.
Blend flour with remaining 1/2 cup of cool water and add to meat mixture.
Stir until thickened, cook for an additional 30 minutes on low.
Serve on bed of cooked noodles. Enjoy!