Albondigas de Caarones

Prep Time
Cook Time
1h 5m
Ready In

Recipe: #22698

January 29, 2016

"Recipe source: Coyote Cafe cookbook"

Original is 4 servings


  • Serving Size: 1 (566.4 g)
  • Calories 317.7
  • Total Fat - 22.5 g
  • Saturated Fat - 3 g
  • Cholesterol - 121 mg
  • Sodium - 1022.4 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate - 11.6 g
  • Dietary Fiber - 3 g
  • Sugars - 3.6 g
  • Protein - 18.4 g
  • Calcium - 77.9 mg
  • Iron - 1.3 mg
  • Vitamin C - 18.3 mg
  • Thiamin - 0.2 mg

Step by Step Method

Step 1

In a blender or food processor mince the shrimp pulsing to make a rough paste. Place in a bowl and the the next 10 ingredients (- the ancho chile puree) and mix until combined and then place bowl in a larger bowl filled with ice to keep mixture cold.

Step 2

In a large pot or skillet saute the sliced onion and garlic in the oil for about 15 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes and chipotles, cover and cook for another 25-30 minutes. Stir in stock or clam juice and bring to a boil.

Step 3

Divide shrimp mixture into 12 large spoonfuls and poach in the soup for 5 minutes. Adding more stock if mixture becomes too thick.

Step 4

Divide equally in soup bowls and garnish with cilantro.


No special items needed.

Editorial Notes

The ingredient tips, suggestions, variations, facts, questions and answers below are not edits to the original author's recipe. They are not meant to imply any change would improve the recipe. They're offered for convenience, alternative ideas, and points of interest. If you have any comments about them, please post in the Help & Ideas forum.

  • For best results, use fresh shrimp for this recipe.
  • Be sure to rehydrate and puree the ancho chiles before adding them to the recipe.

  • Substitute shrimp for white fish: This substitution provides a more sustainable seafood option, as white fish is more abundant than shrimp.
  • Substitute olive oil for coconut oil: Coconut oil adds a hint of sweetness to the dish and provides an alternative to olive oil that is high in healthy fats.

Vegetarian Albondigas Replace the shrimp with 1/2 pound of cooked black beans, and use vegetable stock instead of fish or clam juice.

Mexican Rice: This classic Mexican side dish is the perfect accompaniment to Albondigas de Camarones. The savory flavors of the rice will balance out the spicy and aromatic flavors of the soup. The rice is also a great way to soak up all the delicious broth!

Tostadas de Pollo: Tostadas de Pollo are a delicious Mexican dish that pairs perfectly with Albondigas de Camarones. The crunchy tostada shells are topped with flavorful chicken and a variety of fresh vegetables, creating a light and flavorful combination that will complement the soup. The tostada's bright colors and flavors will bring a festive touch to the meal.


Q: How do I prepare the shrimp for this recipe?

A: Peel and devein the shrimp before mincing them in a blender or food processor.

Q: What is the best way to store cooked shrimp?

A: Cooked shrimp should be refrigerated as soon as possible and stored in an airtight container. Use the cooked shrimp within two days for the best quality.

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Fun facts:

The recipe for Albondigas de Caarones originates from the Coyote Cafe cookbook, which was written by Mark Miller, a celebrity chef who is renowned for his Southwestern cuisine.

The dish is said to have been invented by the famous Aztec ruler Montezuma, who served it to his guests in the 16th century. It is still a popular dish in Mexico today.