Prawns With Almond Sauce

Prep Time
Cook Time
1h 25m
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"Oh My! The best of my first few attempts at Mexican cooking! This sauce is outstanding and could be used on other fish and I will try it on chicken also. From Mexican, Healthy Ways with a Favourite Cuisine."

Original is 6 servings


  • Serving Size: 1 (459.3 g)
  • Calories 621.6
  • Total Fat - 47.5 g
  • Saturated Fat - 16.5 g
  • Cholesterol - 113 mg
  • Sodium - 1762.3 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate - 25.5 g
  • Dietary Fiber - 5.3 g
  • Sugars - 15.7 g
  • Protein - 25.4 g
  • Calcium - 90.7 mg
  • Iron - 5.2 mg
  • Vitamin C - 54.6 mg
  • Thiamin - 0.3 mg

Step by Step Method

Step 1

Place the dried chili in a heatproof bowl and pour over boiling water to cover.

Step 2

Leave to soak for 30 minutes until softened.

Step 3

Drain, remove the stalk, then slit the chili and scrape out the seeds with a small sharp knife. Chop the flesh roughly and set it aside.

Step 4

Cut a cross in the base of each tomato.

Step 5

Place them in a heatproof bowl and pour over boiling water to cover.

Step 6

After 3 minutes, lift the tomatoes out on a slotted spoon and plunge them into a bowl of cold water, drain. The skins will have begun to peel back.

Step 7

Skin the tomatoes completely, then cut them in half and scoop out the seeds; chop the flesh into half inch cubes.

Step 8

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and garlic until soft.

Step 9

Add the chopped tomatoes into the onion/garlic mixture, with the chopped chilli. Stir in the ground cumin and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 10

Tip the mixture into a food processor or blender.

Step 11

Add the stock and process on high speed until smooth.

Step 12

Pour the mixture into a large saucepan, add the ground almonds and stir over a low heat 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 13

Stir in the creme fraiche until it has been incorporated completely

Step 14

Squeeze the juice from the lime and stir it into the sauce.

Step 15

Season with salt to taste, then increase the heat and bring the sauce to simmering point.

Step 16

Add the prawns and heat for 2 to 3 minutes, depending on the size, until warmed through.

Step 17

Serve on a bed of rice and offer warm tortillas separately.


  • Blender or food processer

Editorial Notes

The ingredient tips, suggestions, variations, facts, questions and answers below are not edits to the original author's recipe. They are not meant to imply any change would improve the recipe. They're offered for convenience, alternative ideas, and points of interest. If you have any comments about them, please post in the Help & Ideas forum.

  • When buying prawns, look for ones that are firm and smell fresh.
  • When selecting tomatoes, choose ones that are firm, plump and have a deep, even color.

  • Substitute vegetable oil with olive oil - Olive oil is a healthier alternative to vegetable oil and provides a rich, nutty flavor to the dish.
  • Substitute creme fraiche with Greek yogurt - Greek yogurt is a healthier alternative to creme fraiche and provides a creamy texture to the dish without adding extra fat and calories.

Prawns With Coconut Sauce Replace the almonds with 1 cup of shredded coconut. Reduce the chicken stock to 1/4 cup and replace the creme fraiche with 1/4 cup of coconut cream. Omit the lime juice and garnish with fresh basil instead of coriander and spring onion.

Prawns With Coconut-Curry Sauce Replace the almonds with 1 cup of shredded coconut. Reduce the chicken stock to 1/4 cup and replace the creme fraiche with 1/4 cup of coconut cream. Add 1 teaspoon of curry powder and 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric to the coconut cream. Omit the lime juice and garnish with fresh cilantro instead of coriander and spring onion.

Mexican Rice Pilaf - This is the perfect accompaniment to the Prawns with Almond Sauce. The Mexican Rice Pilaf is a flavorful and easy to make side dish that combines white rice, onion, garlic, bell pepper, and Mexican spices. It's a great way to add a bit of extra flavor and texture to the dish and is sure to be a hit with everyone!

Fresh Fruit Salad: Fresh Fruit Salad is the perfect addition to the Prawns with Almond Sauce. It's a light and refreshing dish that adds a burst of flavor and color to the meal. It's also a great way to get some extra vitamins and minerals. The combination of sweet and tart fruits is sure to be a hit with everyone!


Q: What type of chili pepper should I use?

A: Ancho peppers are recommended for this recipe, but you can also use any other dried chili pepper that you like.

Q: What is the best way to store chili peppers?

A: Store chili peppers in a cool, dark place and use them within a few weeks. If you want to keep them longer, you can freeze them or dry them for long-term storage.

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Fun facts:

This recipe is a classic Mexican dish, which is popular in many countries. It is said that the famous Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes was served this dish when he arrived in Mexico in 1519.

The almond sauce used in this recipe is a traditional Mexican sauce, which is believed to have been first used by the Aztecs. This sauce is now used in many Latin American countries and is popular in Mexican cuisine.