Beef Heart Jerky for Dogs
"Beef heart is highly nutritious and in this area is very cheap and sometimes free. I cut the slices at least 1/2" thick so the pups can chew it for a while. "
Original is 20-25 servings
- Serving Size: 1 (1.4 g)
- Calories 2.9
- Total Fat - 0.2 g
- Saturated Fat - 0.1 g
- Cholesterol - 0.6 mg
- Sodium - 11.5 mg
- Total Carbohydrate - 0.1 g
- Dietary Fiber - 0 g
- Sugars - 0 g
- Protein - 0.2 g
- Calcium - 0.1 mg
- Iron - 0 mg
- Vitamin C - 0 mg
- Thiamin - 0 mg
Step by Step Method
Step 1
Cut the heart in 1/2" by 1/2" strips.
Step 2
Sprinkle with a light dusting of garlic powder if using.
Step 3
Place on dehydrator trays with plenty of room between the strips.
Step 4
Dehydrate at 150F for approximately 20 hours.
Step 5
If you don't own a dehydrator, this can be done in your oven on it's lowest setting with the oven door propped open an inch or two.
No special items needed.