"What is Retro or Comfort Food"... you ask?
Well to me ..... Retro or comfort food are nostalgic foods from the 50's through to the 90's and even early 2000, that were popular during that time and enjoyed by many in years gone by. In many cases this food has fallen out of fashion which is such a shame as these foods often evoke memories of the past ~ the tastes and smells that we remember from our childhood. These are the recipes that were handwritten on pieces of paper or kept in well used & handwritten cookbooks, which we seem to have forgotten about and are now kept somewhere in our drawers or cupboards.
These are not just recipes ~ They are our heritage, our past, our childhood. These recipes bring back wonderful memories of love, family and special occasions enjoyed by family and friends.
They are not just scraps of paper or old handwritten cookbooks that usually have personal hand written notes in the corner, they are scraps of our past which someone cared about enough to share, adjust to our likes and keep for us!
We are in such a fast paced world now... Let's take some time to make and enjoy our memories through food and share our food and memories with our family, someone we love or even just for ourselves! Let's share the love or food for that matter!
Let's get creative and ramp-up some of the flavors with our families favourite recipes and see what we can come up with or share someones else's history and enjoy their favourite's .... either way let's start writing our own handwritten updates to create even more memories for our future generations of family and loved ones to treasure and share! Remember ... we are a part of history, so pass it on!