Thought Of The Day

An inspirational forum meant to give people a place to read some positive daily content, to cheer them up or possibly inspire in some way. We invite everyone to come in and share their thoughts.

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Thought Of The Day

Post by Gerry » Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:48 pm

Today's Sunday service prayer offering saw to prayers for those who are ill, those in the missing and those who are grieving. Later found this in my inbox and found it very comforting. Checking find it is taken from the writings of J. Raymond. To those of you who are in the missing ...

"It is said grief is a thief, You lose someone you love and feel like you have lost yourself. I want to smile again, without feeling guilty. I want to miss you, without coming undone. I want to celebrate your life, without my heart breaking. My world was better because you were in it. My love for you is constant, unconditional, eternal. I’m afraid that healing means forgetting, and I’m not ready to leave. Maybe instead of learning how to live without you, I’ll just bring the best of you with me" - J.Raymond

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