I've got a banana and a blender

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I've got a banana and a blender

Post by Sue » Mon May 13, 2013 5:04 pm

If you have a recipe I can put that banana in (using a blender) for the duration of the evening, let me know.
Either post a link to the recipe here, or post the recipe right here, and if I can make it, I will and also take a picture and post that with a review when your recipe publishes (if it is not on Zazz already).
I don't care if it is an alcoholic drink, a NA smoothie or something else. I just need to have the stuff on hand and I need to use that banana! ;)
*fingers crossed*

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Re: I've got a banana and a blender

Post by HeatherFeather » Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:23 pm

I usually add a banana to ice cream and add some peanut butter and milk for a nice milkshake. No recipe, just blend and mix to your tastes. Choco-pb-banana is a great mixture!

I have also frozen the banana in chunks and used it instead of ice cubes in a smoothie. Bananas go great with most berry smoothie recipes. It makes it nice and thick.

I also like to freeze chunks of banana for my dog. I flash freeze the chunks on a cookie sheet,then throw them in a baggie. It makes a wonderful treat for my dog on a hot day and is a healthy treat for her too. I also blend up bananas with peanut butter, freeze it in a paper cup, then give to my dog as doggie ice cream. Paper cups are easy to tear off of the frozen treat if your dog will otherwise eat the cup along with the ice cream (mine just licks away and leaves the cup on the carpet).

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