Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year, have always thought to it as the season of love, hope and joy when we gather to celebrate the Holy Birth. At our house there are the pre Christmas gatherings, drop ins and coffee hours making for extended holiday time well before Christmas Eve into the New Year. Having plans in place and being prepared be you hosting or adding a make and take makes for less kitchen time and more time enjoying time with family and friends. I have been known to say planning is half the fun.
This year have a plane landing at the airport on the 19th which will see us with two weeks of family get togethers, have to say it is a good motivator to have make aheads and freezer friendly offerings in the freezer stash and the fridge shelves with prepped meals ready to go.
I was so taken with the above Christmas hanging basket several years back I already have everything on hand to make it with the exception of the greens. With the snow storms we’ve contended with not sure I want to try getting to my greens. I have to hope I find the greenery on my next city shop. Took awhile to find the mini batteries, thanks to a friend found them at our local Dollar Store.
For starters the 2018 Christmas thread which has many holiday favorites both mine and that of others, all recipes I know my family loves.
Need to get my holiday crock pot and get to the making of that holiday fragrance that fills the home with the fresh aroma that entices and makes your home feel warm and inviting. Find it a wonderful start to the holidays.
https://www.recipezazz.com/recipe/potpo ... r-pot-1960

Be sure to drop in to share your favorite recipes and photos.